Best Water Feature For Your Pool

Water feature means to a carefully selected and aesthetically pleasing addition designed to enhance the visual appeal of your swimming pool. These features can range from cascading waterfalls and elegant fountains to vibrant LED-lit jets. The primary purpose is to elevate the overall ambiance of your pool area. It creates a more inviting and enjoyable space for relaxation and recreation.

When it comes to transforming your pool into a captivating oasis, finding the “Best Water Feature For Your Pool” is not a choice but a key decision that can redefine the entire atmosphere of your outdoor space. The right water feature has the power to turn an ordinary swimming pool into a stunning focal point, making it the perfect spot for both relaxation and entertainment.

The Best Water Feature For Your Pool goes beyond aesthetics; it contributes to a sensory experience, making your pool a therapeutic haven. The right water feature can turn your backyard into a private retreat to ensure that every swim becomes a memorable experience.

Types of Water Features

Before you shop for water features, know the different kinds and check with an expert to make sure they can be installed in your pool. Some types may not work, while others can turn your pool into a magical water paradise. The main types of water features with examples to consider are:

1. Waterfall


A waterfall is a feature that involves water flowing or cascading over a vertical surface, creating a visually appealing and soothing effect in your pool. It adds a natural and refreshing element to the pool environment, enhancing both aesthetics and relaxation.

2. Rainfall Curtains

A rain curtain is like copying nature’s cool waterfall vibes. It makes your place look fancy and gives you something cool to watch. If you add rocks or a beach theme around it, it becomes a super cool decoration that shows off your style.

3. Fountains

Fountains are decorative water features that add charm to outdoor spaces. They typically consist of a basin, a central structure, and water jets that shoot water into the air. Fountains come in various styles, sizes, and materials, providing both aesthetic appeal and a soothing ambiance to gardens, parks, and public spaces.

4. Splash Deck

Splash Deck

A splash deck is a shallow, flat area surrounding a pool, often made of a non-slip material like concrete or textured tiles. Its importance lies in providing a safe and enjoyable space for swimmers and non-swimmers alike. 

The shallow depth allows individuals, especially children, to play and splash in the water without the need for swimming skills, enhancing overall pool accessibility and family-friendly recreation. Additionally, splash decks can serve as a comfortable lounging area, creating a social space around the pool for relaxation and interactio.

5. Water Wall

A vertical structure that features flowing water, creating a visually stunning and calming effect. Typically used as a decorative element in both indoor and outdoor settings, a water wall adds a touch of elegance and tranquility to its surroundings. 

The cascading water down the vertical surface enhances the ambiance and serves as a unique focal point in various architectural and landscaping designs.

6. Deck Jets

Deck Jets

Small, narrow nozzles installed along the edges of a pool or on a deck, designed to shoot arcs of water into the pool. They are often used as water features to enhance the visual appeal of the pool area. The importance of deck jets lies in their ability to create a dynamic and interactive element in the pool design. 

They add a playful and elegant touch, contributing to a more enjoyable and aesthetically pleasing swimming experience. Deck jets can also be illuminated with LED lights, further enhancing their visual impact, especially during evening hours.

7. Scuppers

Architectural water features designed to channel and direct water flow in a controlled manner. Typically incorporated into walls or structures, they allow excess water to exit, preventing flooding or damage. 

These openings often add an aesthetically pleasing element to outdoor spaces, serving both functional and decorative purposes. Scuppers are commonly found in pools, fountains, and architectural designs, providing a visually appealing way to manage water and contribute to the overall design aesthetics.

8. Mist


Tiny water droplets suspended in the air, creating a fine, almost invisible spray. It often occurs naturally, like morning dew or water evaporating under sunlight. In outdoor settings, misting systems are intentionally used to produce a cooling effect during hot weather, making them popular in gardens, patios, and theme parks.

The fine droplets evaporate quickly, cooling the surrounding air without soaking surfaces, providing a refreshing and enjoyable experience in warm climates.

9. Statuary

It is the art or practice of creating statues and sculptures, often for decorative or artistic purposes. These statues can be made from various materials such as stone, metal, or resin, and they range from classical figures to modern abstract designs. 

Statuary is commonly used in gardens, parks, and public spaces to add aesthetic value and create focal points. It serves as a form of artistic expression, capturing the beauty of the human form, animals, or abstract concepts, contributing to the visual appeal of outdoor environments.


Can I add a water feature to my pool?

Yes, you can add a water feature to your pool if you want to make it more fun and cool. There are many options like fountains or water jets that you can choose from.

Is a fountain good for a pool?

Yes, a fountain is good for a pool because it makes it look cool and adds a relaxing vibe. Plus, it’s fun to watch the water go up and down.

What is the best water type for a pool?

The best water type for a pool is clean and clear water without any dirt or harmful stuff. It should be safe and comfortable for swimming.

What color is best for pool water?

The best color for pool water is usually light blue or turquoise because it looks clean and inviting. These colors also make it easier to see the bottom of the pool.

What shape of pool is better?

The best shape for a pool depends on what you like and how much space you have. Some people like rectangle pools, while others prefer round ones – it’s all about what makes you happy.


Choosing cool stuff for outside areas makes them look awesome. Fountains in gardens are like peaceful decorations. Splash decks around pools are great because they’re safe and fun for everyone, especially kids. And statues, which are like sculptures, add a special touch, making places look cool and interesting. All these things make ordinary spaces turn into really cool spots.

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