Is It Safe to Drink Tap Water in Gran Canaria? Exploring the Water Quality

Clean and safe tap water is important for any place people live or visit. Understanding if tap water is truly safe to drink is especially crucial information in Gran Canaria since it is a popular tourist area. Evaluating if water is safe can involve looking at many complex factors. 

Many travelers assume bottled water is always safer than tap water in other countries. But this is not always true. Even though water can come from different places and be handled uniquely across locations, modern treatment plants in developed areas often purify tap water to meet strict health standards. Interestingly, some initial research showed Gran Canaria promotes its water treatment abilities. Is this just advertising, or is the tap water really clean enough to drink as claimed?

This article explores the question “Can you safely drink the tap water in Gran Canaria?” by learning about where the water comes from, how it is treated, and if health rules are followed. It will review water testing data over time to assess contaminant levels. Interviews with water and health officials will provide insights into ongoing monitoring and risk management. By the end, readers should better understand if it seems reasonable and safe to drink untapped tap water while visiting Gran Canaria.

Understanding the Water Source

The first step is to learn where Gran Canaria gets its water from. Most large islands rely on underground aquifers, which are large areas filled with water underground. By drilling wells into aquifers, islands can pump water up for use. On Gran Canaria, the main sources are northern and southern aquifers located deep below the surface. Knowing the source helps understand if the water could become contaminated from surface activities.

It’s also important to check how the aquifers are refilled. Gran Canaria gets rain year-round, so rainwater filters slowly through layers of rock into the aquifers below. This natural process cleans the water. But if farming or development happens too close to the wells or aquifers, chemicals from these could seep in over time. Protecting the source areas is key to keeping underground water clean.

Water Quality and Safety

Water Quality and Safety

For water to be safe, certain germs and chemicals must be removed or made harmless. Gran Canaria uses treatments like filtration, disinfection, and adding chemicals. Filters catch small particles that could hold germs. Disinfection with chlorine kills germs. Chemicals like fluoride are sometimes added to promote dental health. Proper treatment makes water from any source safe for daily use.

Regular testing also ensures safety standards are met. Samples are checked for tiny amounts of natural minerals as well as man-made chemicals and crypto, a germ that causes diarrhea. If any readings are too high, the water fails safety rules and must be re-tested. By constantly checking treatment works properly and updating systems when needed, authorities can be confident the water will not harm people.

The Quality of Tap Water in Gran Canaria

Several studies have analyzed water quality in Gran Canaria. Results show that tap water mostly meets the strict health and environmental rules set by the EU. Contaminant levels of things like nitrates from farming are within safe limits. Treatment removes enough cryptosporidium and other germs. Chlorine disinfection works properly in most cases. This suggests the tap water poses little health risk to residents.

However, some older test results did find higher mineral or chemical levels in a few town supplies. The authorities responded quickly by improving infrastructure like pipe replacement. Now water is consistently safe across the island. While no system is perfect, monitoring and investment shows a commitment to delivery clean, risk-free tap water for both locals and visitors to Gran Canaria. With proper treatment, the aquifers and tap water can safely support the population.

Precautions and Alternatives

Precautions and Alternatives

Even though the tap water is treated, some people may want to be extra careful. 

  • Boiling water for 1 minute kills any germs. 
  • Using a filter under the sink or in a pitcher can remove tiny particles.
  • Visitors should also avoid drinking from streams or pools, as surface water may not be cleaned. 

These low-cost steps make the water safer without buying bottles. 

For travel, bringing bottled water is an easy option. But bottles create lots of plastic waste. A reusable water bottle can be refilled with tap water. Most hotels also provide clean tap water for drinking. Carrying a water bottle is safer than becoming dehydrated if only bottled water is available.

Local Bottled water companies

Several companies bottle and sell water from Gran Canaria’s aquifers. They treat and filter the groundwater further to remove any risks. This processing and packaging adds to the costs. The bottles are popular with tourists who want pre-sealed drinks. Companies test their water regularly to ensure safety standards are maintained.

Bottled water brands are a local industry and employer. They help promote Gran Canaria’s natural resources. While the tap water is also checked, some visitors feel reassured buying recognizable bottled brands. The companies help discourage wasting plastic by using returnable glass bottles in some areas too. Both bottled and tap options are available depending on needs and concerns.

Why is the taste of tap water different in the Canary Islands?

Why is the taste of tap water different in the Canary Islands?

The water in Gran Canaria comes from underground aquifers fed by rainfall. This gives it a soft, mineral taste compared to surface sources in other places. Also, fewer chemicals are needed for treatment as the aquifers filter the water naturally. Chlorine levels may be lower than pipes in some cities too.

Another factor is that newly built areas have plastic pipes, while older towns still use lead or other metal pipes. New pipes don’t affect the taste as much. Over time, water reacts differently with various pipe materials. So the exact minerals and chemicals people taste can vary between neighborhoods on Gran Canaria.

Why is it that people consume little tap water in the Gran Canaria?

In the past, some areas did have higher than recommended mineral levels in tap water tests. This led to people distrusting the safety. Also, tourists often assume bottled water is better when visiting new places.

Now water quality is good everywhere after system upgrades. But old habits die hard. Many residents still prefer bottled water from long-time use. Education programs help inform people the tap water is thoroughly treated and drinkable according to health standards. Consumption is rising as confidence in tap water grows.

Are there any health concerns associated with drinking tap water at Gran Canaria?

Are there any health concerns associated with drinking tap water at Gran Canaria?

Generally tap water is very safe to drink according to scientific testing. Any minerals are in small amounts that don’t cause harm. Regular disinfection kills germs like cryptosporidium that can be in water. Treatment plants remove man-made chemicals or pollutants to low, acceptable levels.

In rare cases of old pipes leaking metals, or if treatment fails for some reason, there could be a temporary risk. However, authorities respond quickly to fix problems and notify people. With proper maintenance of the water systems, there is little reason for health concerns from tap water on Gran Canaria. It is carefully monitored to avoid risks to residents and visitors.


Where does the freshwater come from in Gran Canaria?

The main sources of fresh water in Gran Canaria are desalination plants that remove salt from seawater, as well as some groundwater extraction and reservoirs that collect rainfall.

Where do the Canary Islands get drinking water? 

The Canary Islands get most of their drinking water from desalination plants that process seawater, as well as some groundwater sources and reservoirs that store rainfall.

Does Gran Canaria have clear water? 

Yes, the tap water in Gran Canaria goes through desalination and treatment processes to remove salt and impurities, resulting in clear, safe drinking water.

What part of Spain has the clearest water? 

The Canary Islands, an archipelago located off the northwest coast of Africa that is part of Spain, is known for having some of the clearest tap water in the country thanks to advanced desalination.


In the past, some people did not trust the tap water in certain areas of Gran Canaria because they thought there were concerning mineral levels. Now, upgrades have been made to the water systems and testing is done regularly to address those old issues. Strict European Union rules about health and the environment are followed for all the island’s water. With good maintenance of the underground water sources, pipes, and treatment plants, the tap water is safe to drink.

Both tap water and bottled water are available to people living in and visiting Gran Canaria. Some prefer bottled water. Other people feel better about the tap water if they boil it or filter it first. Local companies also sell bottled water made from the island’s groundwater for people who want another option. With more education, more locals and visitors now know that modern methods are used to properly purify public tap water. Using tap water prevents plastic waste and costs less than bottled water. As long as untreated water sources are avoided, tap water and bottled water are both good choices.

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